
Brief Introduction to Tibet

Located in the southwest frontier of the People's Republic of China, Tibet Autonomous Region has an area of over 1.2 million sq.km., which makes up one-eighth of the total national area, only second to Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. With the average elevation of over 4,000 meters, Tibet is the plateau region with the largest space and the highest sea level in the world, which is dubbed "the World Ridge" and "the Third Pole on the Globe". Tibet is contiguous to Xinjiang Uygur autonomous Region and Qinghai Province by the Kunlun and the Tanggula Mountains on the north, looks at Sichuan Province across the Jinsha River on the east, is connected with Yunnan Province on the southeast, borders Burmese, India, Bhutan, Sikkim, Nepal and Kashmir. With nearly 4,000 kilometers land boundary line, it is China's southwest barrier.Famous for peculiar geological features, magnificent natural scenery, splendid ethnic culture and characteristic local customs and practices, Tibet has become the Holy Land for numerous Chinese and overseas tourists, mountain explorers and scientific surveyors. Unique plateau environmentTibet Plateau is the main body of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, consisting of high mountains and great rivers, prairie and gorges. On the Tibet Plateau stands the world-famous Himalayas in southwest, the Kunlun Mountains and the Kalakunlun Mountains spread the northwest, the Gangdisi, Tanggula and Nyainqentanglha Mountains traverse the middle, and the Hengduan Mountains is its east barrier. There are 6 peaks of over 8,000 meters at sea level, 50 peaks of over 7,000 meters at sea level and numerous peaks of over 6,000 meters at sea level in Tibet, where the world's highest summit Mt. Everest erects with an elevation of 8848.13 meters. Amidst the numerous high and gigantic mountains spread a range of hills, lakes and gorges, constituting undulation alpine prairie. The famous Qiangtang Grasslands on North Tibet spreads from east to west over 2,400 kilometers and from north to south over 700 kilometers, averaging 4,500 meters at sea level. The boundless grasslands is the principal pastoral area in Tibet.Tibet is also one of the regions in the world with the most gorges. These gorges mainly distribute in the east of the Tibet Plateau and the south outlying areas, culminated by the Yarlung Zangbo Great Gorge and East Tibet Three Rivers Gorges.There are intensive rivers and lakes in Tibet. There are over 20 rivers with valley area larger than 10,000 sq. km. and over 100 rivers with valley larger than 2,000 sq. km.. The famous rivers include the Yarlung Zangbo, Jinsha, Nujiang and Lancang rivers. The Asia-famous Ganges River, Indian River and Meikong River all originate there. The region has over 1500 lakes including 47 with over 100 sq. km.. Lake area stands at 24,183 sq. km., representing over one-third of the total lake area in China.The diversified topography, high air environment and climate system impacts have formed complicated and unique climate. Aside from cold and dry northwest and warm and wet southeast, there are a wide range of regional climates and tangible vertical climate belt. Main features are thin air, low atmospheric pressure, scant oxygen, high elevation, strong sunlight, long sunlight radiation, low temperature with small annual difference but big daily difference, distinct dry season and rainy season, much night rain, and complicated climate categories with big vertical changes.Rich and diversified natural resourcesTibet has fairly complete types of land resource tapping and utilization: farmland, garden land, forest land, pastoral land, urban and mineral land, communications land, water area and uncultivated land.Being one of China's biggest forest areas, Tibet maintains primeval forest intactness with a total forest area of 126,583 sq. km.. Forest accumulation stands at 2.08 billion cb. m., ranking second in the country, and forest coverage stands at 9.8%.Tibet has plentiful mineral resources, 94 mineral resources have been discovered, 30 reserves proven, and 11 mineral reserves including chromium, iron, lithium, copper and boron rank first-fifth in China.Tibet has abundant water resources, total surface water resources amount to 448.2 billion cb.m., and underground water resources amount to 110.7 billion cb.m..Tibet economic structure is based on farming and animal husbandry, secondary industry is properly developed, and tertiary industry is energetically developed. Five economic pillar industries consisting of forest industry, mineral products, building and building materials, agricultural and animal product processing and ethnic industry, and tourism have taken initial shape, forming an industrial pattern with local characteristics.Tibet tourist resources are unique with 25 famous buildings, 13 historical attractions under the state's key protection, and 12 regional-level relics protection units. The Potala palace is one of the famous buildings and historical sites. In April and October of each year, the ancient buildings stand side by side with modern buildings against the breeze wind, warm sunlight, blue sky, white clouds, tall poplars, stroking willows, green grasslands, icy peaks and snowy hills, attracting numerous Chinese and overseas tourists.Administrative division, population and ethnic groupsTibet autonomous Region has six prefectures and one city-Lhasa City, Shannan Prefecture, Nyingchi Prefecture, Qamdo Prefecture, Nagqu Prefecture, Shigatse Prefecture, and Nyari Prefecture; the prefectures and the city have 72 counties, one county-level city, one county-level district, 1 county-level port, 30 towns, 895 townships, 7,410 administrative villages. Tibet has a population of 2.43 million, including Tibetan, han, Hui, Menba, Geba, Nu and Naxi people and as Deng and Xiaerba ethnic groups. Tibetan people make up 96.5% of total population. Lhasa is the regional capital Tibet's political, economic and cultural center, and also a well-known daylight city and Buddhist Holy Land. The Potala palace situated in the Lhasa center is grandeur and characteristic, symbolizing Tibet in people's eyes.Tibet has a wide span of territory, majestic mountains, and rivers, abundant materials, dense resources and unique humane views: it is a dazzling pearl on the southwestern border of the motherland.

(来自于 http://www.tibetinfor.com/tibetzt/jiaotong/02/02_menu.htm)
