
The Meaning of Colors in Chinese Opera Masks

Beijing Opera masks originates from totem in ancient times, develops into facial paintings of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and eventually takes the shape of facial costume of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It is a pattern of put-on facial make-up for opera actors and actresses in the stereotype roles of "painted face" and clown. It plays the artistic functions of implying commendatory and derogatory connotations and differentiating benevolence and malevolence, enabling the audience to get a glimpse of the inner world of actors and actresses through their symbolic facial make-up. In this sense, facial make-up has obtained the reputation as "painting of heart and soul".
Beijing Opera masks utilizes the color of red, purple, black, white, blue, green, yellow, dark red, gray, golden and silver, with each color representing a unique stereotype character. In general, red symbolizes utter devotion and loyalty; purple embodies fortitude and resourcefulness; black manifests faithfulness and integrity; white implies craft; blue represents valor and vigor; green signifies justice and chivalry; yellow exemplifies cruelty. Dark red is reserved for loyal old generals while golden and silver are used for Buddha, gods, ghosts and demons. Opera facial make-up, as the product of fine artisanship, has become part of the masterpieces in the thousands years of Chinese culture and art.

The Meaning of Colors in Beijing Opera Masks

Gold and silver colors are usually used for gods and spirits. The main color in a facial makeup symbolizes the disposition of the character. The facial makeups date a long time back to the Song (960-1279) and Yuan (1271-1368) dynasties at least. Simple patterns of painted faces are found in tomb murals of that age. During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), improvements were made in the skills of drawing and in preparing the paints, leading to the whole set of colorful facial patterns that we see in today's Jingju (Beijing Opera). Skills in Painting Beijing Opera Masks There is a strong nature in the art in masks. Drawing masks must also have attitudinal polytechnic nature, just like hand ting and painting. When you draw masks with a pen brush, you should do it with exactness and pithiness. The romance should be suitable to let others see clearly where it is thick and where it is light. Drawing the face the artist should spare Chinese ink as if it were gold. In this way the drawing looks lifelike and has spirits and the people will like the mask. In drawing masks you can't copy a book. You should draw masks according to the actors face model. Copying the feature and the play that you will join in. The drawing can incarnate dramatically the personality colors and the mettle of the part. Notably, Beijing opera "colored face" Mr. Hao Shouchen has the good name of "Living Cao Cao." Not only because of his fine act, the Cao Cao mask which he created has made a good effect. This expert researched and assayed the person and drew the Cao Cao mask, drew the lines and lamination in the brow part in the face.This assists the actors and actresses when they act, to be helpful for them to express their feelings, and allows the masks and the performance work effectively together. A good artist who has the experience can do with their artistry, make the face models blemish, change the face model and face anatomical relationship. Some people's face models are narrow and small, and are short in stature. Drawing the facemask can change the model.

Guan Yu
Guan Yu


Zhang Fei
Zhang Fei


Tu Xingsun
Tu Xingsun


Lian Po
Lian Po


Xia Houdun
Xia Houdun


Cao Cao

Cao Cao


Zheng Lun
Zheng Wun


Jiang Gan
Jiang Gan

Petty Painted Face

Beijing Opera

Beijing Opera is the quintessence of China. The largest Chinese opera form, it is extolled as 'Oriental Opera'. Having a history of 160 years, it has created many 'firsts' in Chinese dramas: the abundance of repertoires, the number of artists, opera troupes and spectators.
Beijing Opera is developed from absorbing many other dramatic forms, mostly from the local drama 'Huiban' which was popular in South China during the 18th century. It is a scenic art integrating music, performance, literature, aria, and face-painting. Certain rules are set up and regulations are standardized during many artists' long practice on stage. Different from regional plays, it is stricter on the variety of the workmanship. The combination of virtual and reality - a special technique of expression, keeps it largely free from the restriction of time and space on stage performance. Beijing Opera has had many interesting names since it came into being, such as Jinghuang, Daxi, Pingju, Jingxi.
Four Means of Artistic Presentation
Beijing Opera presents dramatic plays and figures mainly by infusing four artistic methods: singing, dialogue, dancing and martial art. Singing is utilized to intensify the appeal of the art by all kinds of tones. Dialogue is the complement of singing which is full of musical and rhythm sensation. Dancing refers to the body movements requiring high performing skills. Martial art is the combination and transformation of traditional Chinese combat exercises with dances.

Main Roles in Beijing Opera Performance

Sheng: It's a common name of male characters and composed of Lao Sheng and Xiao Sheng. Lao Sheng refers to the middle-aged man with a beard who acts as the decency figure; for example, Zhugeliang in 'Empty City Scheme'. Xiao Sheng means young man without a beard. Zhangsheng in 'The Story of the West Room' is a representative of Xiao Sheng.
Dan: The general name for female characters in Beijing Opera can be divided into Zhengdan, Huadan, Laodan, Wudan. Zhengdan is also called 'Qingyi', who mainly plays the part of the strong-minded middle-aged woman who behaves elegantly. Huadan refers to little girls who often live in the bottom of society. Laodan refers to the senior woman and Wudan indicates the female who is good at fighting.
Jing: Painted face often refers to male characters with unique appearance or personality, such as Baozheng and Caocao. Besides, Chou is a comic role or villainous character or righteous person. The actor's nose is painted by a piece of white powder, making him or her easily recognizable.

Facial Painting (Lianpu)

Lianpu is formed through dramatic artists' long-term practice and their understanding and judgment of the roles in plays. It is the colorful dressing on actors' faces. By using transformative and exaggerated figures, professional spectators would easily tell the characteristic of a role. In this way, it is called 'the picture of hearts'. There are certain formats of the facial painting in the aspect of color, type and shape. Usually, eyes, foreheads and cheeks are painted like wings of butterflies, swallows and bats.
Colors of Lianpu are varied with each representing a characteristic. For example, red symbolizes loyalty, such as Guanyu, a great general during Three Kingdoms Period (220-280). Black signifies honesty and frankness, such as Lord Bao, a righteous official during Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), or abruptness and impertinence, such as Likui, an important figure in the famous Chinese ancient novel 'All Men Are Brothers'. White stands for cattiness and cunning, with Caocao as its representative, a famous politician in the late Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220).

Stage Properties (Qimo)

Qimo is a general designation for all kinds of stage properties and simple settings used in Beijing Opera performances. It comes from the real life experience. For example, an actor can practice the scene of galloping the horse simply by using a horsewhip without riding a real horse on stage. A bridge is made up of two chairs standing on each side of a table. Storms are realized by performers dancing with umbrellas. The imaginary performance skills largely bring to performers the freedom to express more life scenes.
Four Famous Artists

There are many famous masters who are good at performing Beijing Opera. Among them, the Four Famous Dans - Mei Lanfang, Cheng Yanqiu, Shang Xiaoyun and Xun Huisheng - are most well-known at home and abroad. They are experts in performing the role of Dan and each has his own artistic feature. Their wonderful performances are still appreciated by many audiences. For example, 'Farewell My Concubine' by Mei Lanfang, 'Injustice to Dou'e' by Cheng Yanqiu, 'Lady Zhaojun Going beyond the Great Wall' by Shang Xiaoyun and 'Matchmaker' by Xun Huisheng.
Beijing Opera contains the soul of Chinese national culture. Its unique charm inspires ethos of Chinese people. There is no doubt that it is really the treasure of Chinese culture. If you want to taste the real Beijing Opera, Liyuan Theatre in Beijing will be a good choice for you.


Brief Introduction to Tibet

Located in the southwest frontier of the People's Republic of China, Tibet Autonomous Region has an area of over 1.2 million sq.km., which makes up one-eighth of the total national area, only second to Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. With the average elevation of over 4,000 meters, Tibet is the plateau region with the largest space and the highest sea level in the world, which is dubbed "the World Ridge" and "the Third Pole on the Globe". Tibet is contiguous to Xinjiang Uygur autonomous Region and Qinghai Province by the Kunlun and the Tanggula Mountains on the north, looks at Sichuan Province across the Jinsha River on the east, is connected with Yunnan Province on the southeast, borders Burmese, India, Bhutan, Sikkim, Nepal and Kashmir. With nearly 4,000 kilometers land boundary line, it is China's southwest barrier.Famous for peculiar geological features, magnificent natural scenery, splendid ethnic culture and characteristic local customs and practices, Tibet has become the Holy Land for numerous Chinese and overseas tourists, mountain explorers and scientific surveyors. Unique plateau environmentTibet Plateau is the main body of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, consisting of high mountains and great rivers, prairie and gorges. On the Tibet Plateau stands the world-famous Himalayas in southwest, the Kunlun Mountains and the Kalakunlun Mountains spread the northwest, the Gangdisi, Tanggula and Nyainqentanglha Mountains traverse the middle, and the Hengduan Mountains is its east barrier. There are 6 peaks of over 8,000 meters at sea level, 50 peaks of over 7,000 meters at sea level and numerous peaks of over 6,000 meters at sea level in Tibet, where the world's highest summit Mt. Everest erects with an elevation of 8848.13 meters. Amidst the numerous high and gigantic mountains spread a range of hills, lakes and gorges, constituting undulation alpine prairie. The famous Qiangtang Grasslands on North Tibet spreads from east to west over 2,400 kilometers and from north to south over 700 kilometers, averaging 4,500 meters at sea level. The boundless grasslands is the principal pastoral area in Tibet.Tibet is also one of the regions in the world with the most gorges. These gorges mainly distribute in the east of the Tibet Plateau and the south outlying areas, culminated by the Yarlung Zangbo Great Gorge and East Tibet Three Rivers Gorges.There are intensive rivers and lakes in Tibet. There are over 20 rivers with valley area larger than 10,000 sq. km. and over 100 rivers with valley larger than 2,000 sq. km.. The famous rivers include the Yarlung Zangbo, Jinsha, Nujiang and Lancang rivers. The Asia-famous Ganges River, Indian River and Meikong River all originate there. The region has over 1500 lakes including 47 with over 100 sq. km.. Lake area stands at 24,183 sq. km., representing over one-third of the total lake area in China.The diversified topography, high air environment and climate system impacts have formed complicated and unique climate. Aside from cold and dry northwest and warm and wet southeast, there are a wide range of regional climates and tangible vertical climate belt. Main features are thin air, low atmospheric pressure, scant oxygen, high elevation, strong sunlight, long sunlight radiation, low temperature with small annual difference but big daily difference, distinct dry season and rainy season, much night rain, and complicated climate categories with big vertical changes.Rich and diversified natural resourcesTibet has fairly complete types of land resource tapping and utilization: farmland, garden land, forest land, pastoral land, urban and mineral land, communications land, water area and uncultivated land.Being one of China's biggest forest areas, Tibet maintains primeval forest intactness with a total forest area of 126,583 sq. km.. Forest accumulation stands at 2.08 billion cb. m., ranking second in the country, and forest coverage stands at 9.8%.Tibet has plentiful mineral resources, 94 mineral resources have been discovered, 30 reserves proven, and 11 mineral reserves including chromium, iron, lithium, copper and boron rank first-fifth in China.Tibet has abundant water resources, total surface water resources amount to 448.2 billion cb.m., and underground water resources amount to 110.7 billion cb.m..Tibet economic structure is based on farming and animal husbandry, secondary industry is properly developed, and tertiary industry is energetically developed. Five economic pillar industries consisting of forest industry, mineral products, building and building materials, agricultural and animal product processing and ethnic industry, and tourism have taken initial shape, forming an industrial pattern with local characteristics.Tibet tourist resources are unique with 25 famous buildings, 13 historical attractions under the state's key protection, and 12 regional-level relics protection units. The Potala palace is one of the famous buildings and historical sites. In April and October of each year, the ancient buildings stand side by side with modern buildings against the breeze wind, warm sunlight, blue sky, white clouds, tall poplars, stroking willows, green grasslands, icy peaks and snowy hills, attracting numerous Chinese and overseas tourists.Administrative division, population and ethnic groupsTibet autonomous Region has six prefectures and one city-Lhasa City, Shannan Prefecture, Nyingchi Prefecture, Qamdo Prefecture, Nagqu Prefecture, Shigatse Prefecture, and Nyari Prefecture; the prefectures and the city have 72 counties, one county-level city, one county-level district, 1 county-level port, 30 towns, 895 townships, 7,410 administrative villages. Tibet has a population of 2.43 million, including Tibetan, han, Hui, Menba, Geba, Nu and Naxi people and as Deng and Xiaerba ethnic groups. Tibetan people make up 96.5% of total population. Lhasa is the regional capital Tibet's political, economic and cultural center, and also a well-known daylight city and Buddhist Holy Land. The Potala palace situated in the Lhasa center is grandeur and characteristic, symbolizing Tibet in people's eyes.Tibet has a wide span of territory, majestic mountains, and rivers, abundant materials, dense resources and unique humane views: it is a dazzling pearl on the southwestern border of the motherland.

(来自于 http://www.tibetinfor.com/tibetzt/jiaotong/02/02_menu.htm)

外国教授眼中的西藏拉萨暴乱事件 (转载)

The Riots in Lhasa
  by Eirik Granqvist, a foreign expert in Shanghai who visited Tibet in 2006
  "The western medias announced that China had cut all information and that articles about the riots could not be sent out! I got mad about all the apparently incorrect information and wrote this article and two other similar ones although I am not a journalist but just because I could not stand all the bad things about China that was told. I sent them by e-mail without problems and they arrived well but two newspapers did neither respond neither publish what I had written. The third answered and wanted a shorter version that was published many days later as a normal 'readers voice'. What Dalai Lama had said was largely published every day together with a real anti-China propaganda. What I had written was apparently too China friendly for the 'free press'."
  I was very shocked by what I had seen in the television and been reading in China daily about the riots in Lhasa. The most that shocked me was anyhow may be not the cruel events by themselves but how the medias in my country of origin, Finland, reported the events. A friend has scanned and sent me articles and I have checked also myself what can be found at Internet.
  Very few Finnish people have ever visited Tibet, but I was there together with my wife in 2006. This was private persons and not as a part of a group-travel. I have seen Lhasa with my own eyes. I have been talking and chatting with people there. This was without any restrictions. Okay, we had a lovely and very competent guide that helped us much and took us where we wanted to go in the mornings but in the afternoons we were alone. Therefore I think that I have something to tell.
  I am also interested in history and know more than people in general. When writing this, I do not have any reference books so I write out of my memory. If I do a small mistake somewhere, I beg your pardon. Anyhow, I think that this gives my writing an objectivity. I am well aware of that I will be accused for this and that for writing what I think is the truth. I will be accused by those who think that they know but do not know and by those that haven't seen by their own eyes.
  Tibet was for centuries an autonomous concordat between Nepal and China. Sometimes China ruled Nepal as well. The king of Tibet used therefore to have one Chinese wife and one Nepalese and then a number of Tibetan ones.
  With the fifth Dalai Lama, the religious and the political power were unified under the rule of one person, The Dalai Lama. Tibet became a theocratic dictatorship and closed itself for the rest of the world. No foreigners were anymore allowed in.
  At the end of the nineteenth century, the famous Swedish traveller Sven Hedin made an attempt to reach Lhasa but was sent politely back, out of Tibet by Dalai Lama.
  A French woman, Alexandra David-Néel was more successful. She visited Lhasa dressed as a Tibetan pilgrim and she was fluent in the Tibetan language. She told how she was afraid many times that she should be discovered and then she knew that she like other suspects or opponents should "happen to fall down" from the walls of the Potala palace.
  Tibet was not a paradise. Tibet was an inhuman dictatorship!
  The weakened Chinese Qing Dynasty had more and more lost its influence in Tibet. Tibet became more and more interesting for the Russian empire in the north and the British in the south.
  In 1903 a British army expedition directed by the colonel Younghusband reached Lhasa. The British lost 4 soldiers but slaughtered more the 700 Tibetans that tryed to stop them, mainly by magic. The British installed "a commercial representation" in Lhasa. The Chinese evacuated Dalai Lama to the Qinghai plateau where he hade limited rights of move, probably for preventing him from having contacts with the British occupants.
  The Finnish national hero, Marshal Mannerheim, visited him there in 1907 during his famous horseback trip through central Asia. He was then a colonel in the Tsar Russian army and his trip was in reality a spy trip. Therefore the 13th Dalai Lama was interesting.
  The power of Dalai Lama was weakened. In 1950 the PLA marched in to Tibet without war. The 14th Dalai Lama seems at the beginning to have accepted this just as a security for his power as the theocratic dictator he was. He enlarged and restructured the Norbulingka Summer Palace in a luxury way in 1954.
  The Chinese decided anyhow to finish with the cruel theocratic dictatorship under which the opponents fell down from Potala. The borders where during this dictatorship closed for all foreigners and the only schools where the religious ones. It is well known that it is easier to rule a population with a low education and is ignoring the outside world. In Tibet, about 5% of the population owned everything and the rest literally nothing. About 40% of the Tibetans were monks and nuns living as parasites on the rest of the population that had to feed them. Tibet was not a paradise!
  Now China decided that the Tibetans should have the same rights and place in the society as the rest of the country's population. The monasteries should be emptied from their excessively large monk and nun populations.
  Tibet could earlier be reached only by some horse trails and was for the rest insulated. The Chinese built rapidly a trafficable road. The insulation was broken.
  In 1959, the young Dalai Lama caused a peoples upraising, using the religion as power since he was loosing his own powerful position. The upraising was however stopped, may be in not a too clever and smooth manner. Dalai Lama then left Tibet and his fellow citizens and escaped to India wherefrom he has continued to fight for his come back and reinstall the theocratic dictatorship that China will never allow again.
  Then followed the ten years of Cultural Revolution that was an unhappy time for all China that closed itself to the rest of the world.
  Now Lhasa has a modern airport and a railway. China has invested a lot in Tibet. The standard of living has been raised a lot in Tibet and last Xmas I have seen Tibetans spending sun-holidays on Hainan Island! Very lucky looking old women in traditional dresses walking on the beach with their husbands and the youngsters dressed like other young people enjoying the beach life.
  The possibilities for Dalai Lama to take back his power has diminished and he does not anymore have the population with him. China and India are developing their cooperation and with the closer friendship, India will for sure also not more admit Dalai Lama to disturb this development. His possibilities to act against China will be diminished.
  Therefore he undertook recently an around the world diplomatic travel since he has seen the possibility of harming the now good international image of China and provoking boycotts of the Olympic games in Beijing.
  The Lhasa riots where very well prepared. Curriers where crossing the borders illegally for to see Dalai Lama and get his orders. A group of foreign mountain climbers filmed recently across the border an unlucky incident when one of these curriers got shot and another that crossed the border openly declared that he wanted to go to see the Dalai Lama. I have seen that in television just before I left for China in November.
  China is no longer a closed country. There is no need for illegal border crossings if you are not doing something illegally! You just ask for a passport and take the necessary visas and cross the border at a legal border crossing or better, just take a regular flight from Lhasa to Kathmandu!
  There where no peaceful demonstrations in Lhasa that where brutally knocked down! Young men went to action after a well prepared scenario at many places at the same time so that police and fire brigade should be taken by surprise and unable to act everywhere at the same time. This was successful! People where just knocked down without differences and all what could be broken was broken in the shortest possible time. With Molotov cocktails, fires where lit and fire cars where stopped. 18 normal citizens where killed without feelings and one police. The police had order to not respond with firearms for not being internationally blamed!
  When I have seen the filmed riots in television, my diagnosis was immediately clear. The scenario was the same that I had seen many times of organized riots in France since more the forty years of tight familiar contacts and 21 years of living there. The difference was only that less ordinary people seemed to take part in Lhasa. The rioters where surprisingly few but well organized! China's positive image in the world should be damaged!
  Dalai Lama is acting as the friendly and peaceful father. This is an old trick that also dictators like Hitler and Stalin used. I am not comparing him with them but he is acting like a demon when he tries to take back his power at any cost, not once caring for human lives and against Buddhistic non-violence principles. It was a try to do a coup d'ètat that failed. Now he is asking for international help for to stop the violence that he, himself had planned!
  When I visited Tibet in 2006, I was surprised by the relaxed atmosphere and the few policemen in Lhasa. All that I have seen were Tibetans. Not the Han-Chinese. The atmosphere was remarkably peaceful and gave a picture of general well living. There was no oppressed feeling like I had seen so many times in the Soviet union and its satellites before all that non-human system collapsed. People in Lhasa where friendly and wanted to speak to me, mostly without success since I do not speak Chinese nor Tibetan but up and then somebody could speak some words in English. Their wish for contact was just out of normal curiosity towards the foreigners.
  I had heard that the religious life should been oppressed but it was flowering! I had also heard that so many Han Chinese where moved in that the Tibetans where now very few in Lhasa. I did however see much more Tibetans there. May be that the Han Chinese where hiding?
  The western medias announced that China had cut all information and that articles about the riots could not be sent out! I got mad about all the apparently incorrect information and wrote this article and two other similar ones although I am not a journalist but just because I could not stand all the bad things about China that was told. I sent them by e-mail without problems and they arrived well but two newspapers did neither respond neither publish what I had written. The third answered and wanted a shorter version that was published many days later as a normal "readers voice". What Dalai Lama had said was largely published every day together with a real anti-China propaganda. What I had written was apparently too China friendly for the "free press".

西藏历史概述 来源:中国西藏信息中心

中国是一个统一的多民族国家,西藏自古以来就是中国不可分割的一部分 。早在公元前,居住在这里的藏族先民就与生活在中原的汉族有着联系。以后 ,经过漫长的岁月,西藏高原上分散的众多部落逐渐统一,成为现在的藏族。
  吐蕃王朝 公元七世纪初,中国历史进入了一个新的阶段。唐朝(618-907年)建立起强大的统一政权,结束了中原地区三百多年的混乱分裂局面。
与此同时,藏族的民族英雄松赞干布兼并十余个部落和部族,在西藏高原实现统一, 正式建立了吐蕃王朝,定都逻娑(今拉萨)。 松赞干布在位期间,锐意修好唐廷,吸取唐朝的先进生产技术和政治文化 成果。他曾两次派遣大臣赴唐廷求婚,于公元641年迎娶了唐太宗的宗女文成公主。松赞干布还从唐朝引入造酒、碾磨、纸墨等生产技术,遣贵族子弟到长安 (今西安)学习诗书,聘汉族文人入蕃代典表疏,与唐朝在政治、经济、文化 等方面保持了极为友好的关系。唐高宗封松赞干布为“附马都尉”、“西海郡 王”,后又晋封为“宾王”。 松赞干布奠定了吐蕃与唐朝二百余年频繁往来的“甥舅亲谊”。
  公元710年 ,唐金城公主携带绣花锦缎数万匹,工技书箱多种和一应使用器物入蕃,嫁吐 蕃王赤德祖赞。金城公主入蕃后曾资助于田(今新疆境内)等地佛教僧人入蕃建 寺译经,并向唐朝求得《毛诗》、《礼记》、《左传》、《文选》等典籍。公元821年,吐蕃王赤热巴巾三次派员到长安请求会盟。唐穆宗命宰相等官员与吐蕃会盟官员在长安西郊举行了隆重的会盟仪式。次年,唐朝派刘元鼎等人 到吐蕃寻盟,与吐蕃僧相钵阐布和大相尚绮心儿等人结盟于拉萨东郊。此次会盟 时在唐长庆元年(822年)和二年(823年),史称“长庆会盟”。会盟双方重申 了历史上“和同为一家”的甥舅亲谊,商议今后“社稷如一”。记载这次会盟内 容的石刻“唐蕃会盟碑”共有三块,其中一块立于拉萨大昭寺前。
  公元842年,吐蕃王朝因王室内讧和部族之间、边将之间的混战而分裂瓦解,出现众多互不统属的地方势力。它们各占一方,互相征伐,战争连绵持续了四百余年。十三世纪中叶西藏统一于中国 十三世纪初,蒙古族领袖成吉思汗在中国北部 建立蒙古汗国。1247年,萨迦派高僧班智达·贡嘎坚赞同蒙古汗国皇子阔端在 凉州(今甘肃武威)议定了西藏诸部归顺蒙古汗国和接受所规定的地方行政制度 的内容;萨迦地方政权建立。 1271年,蒙古汗政权定国号为元,并于1279年统 一全中国,建立了统一的中央政权,西藏成为中国元朝中央政府直接治理下的一 个行政区域。 1260年,元朝皇帝忽必烈(1215-1294年)即蒙古汗王位后,封贡嘎坚赞的侄子、萨迦派法王八思巴为国师。1264年,忽必烈设释教总制院,命八思巴以国师身份兼领院事。在总制院(后改宣政院)下,设有“宣慰使司都元帅府”,负责处理和管辖现今西藏大部分地区的军政事务。宣慰使司下面辖有管理民政的万户府、千户所。1265年,忽必烈封八思巴为大宝法王、帝师,并通过八思巴举荐,任命了总管西藏事务的行政长官和13个万户府的万户长。1268年、1287年和1334年,元朝中央曾三次派官员在西藏清查户口,还在西藏地区设立了15个驿站,联成通往大都(今北京)的交通线,推行并确立了西藏地方的“乌拉”(意为徭役、差役)制度。 历代中央政府对西藏的管辖 自十三世纪中叶西藏地区正式归入元朝版图后,中国虽然经历了几代王朝的兴替,多次更换中央政权,但西藏一直处于中央政? 府的管辖之下。十四世纪中叶,萨迦地方政权逐渐衰落。
  1354年,以降曲坚赞为首的帕竹噶举派成为西藏大部分地区的统治者,形成了政教合一的帕竹地方政权。在西藏帕竹时期,元中央政府承认了这一事实,封降曲坚赞为大司徒。1368年明朝建立后,采取了普遍封赐的政策,对具有政治实力的地方诸教派首领均赐加以“王”、“法王”、“灌顶国师”等名号;王位的继承必须经皇帝批准,遣使册封。这时,达赖喇嘛和班禅喇嘛两大活佛系统所属的格鲁派兴起,三世达赖喇嘛索南嘉措向明廷入贡,获得明朝中央封赐的“朵儿只唱”名号。明朝中央对西藏地方的治理,沿袭了元朝的办法,先后设置乌思藏、朵甘两个 “卫指挥使司”和“俄力思军民元帅府”,分别管理前后藏、昌都和阿里地区的军政事务。其间,帕竹地方政权在西藏部分地区建立了宗本制度,所任各宗的行政首脑,明朝皆授以官职,使其既为宗本(相当于县长)又为中央命官。
  1644年清朝取代明朝,对西藏的治理更加严密,使中央政府在西藏行使主 权管辖的施政进一步制度化、法律化。清顺治皇帝数次邀请五世达赖进京,1652年,五世达赖进京入见。1653年,顺治皇帝颁赐金册、金印,敕封五世达赖,正式确定了达赖喇嘛的封号。1713年,康熙皇帝册封五世班禅罗桑益西为“班禅额尔德尼”,正式确定了班禅喇嘛的名号。自此,达赖喇嘛在拉萨统治西藏的大部分地区,班禅额尔德尼在日喀则统治西藏的另一部分地区。
  1727年,清朝设立驻藏大臣,代表中央监督西藏地方行政;西藏与四川、云南、青海的区界,就是于此时派员正式勘定的。1721年,清朝中央政府在西藏建立噶伦制度;1750年,再次调整管理西藏的行政体制,废除郡王制度,建立西藏地方政府(即“噶厦”),规定了驻藏大臣与达赖喇嘛共同掌握西藏事务的体制。1793年,清朝政府就驻藏大臣的职权、达赖与班禅及其他大活佛转世、边界军事防务、对外交涉、财政税收、货币铸造与管理,以及寺院的供养和管理等,颁 布了著名的《钦定藏内善后章程》,共二十九条。此后一百余年,二十九条章 程确定的基本原则一直是西藏地方行政体制和法规的规范。
  1911年,中国爆发辛亥革命,建立了合汉、满、蒙、回、藏等民族为一体 的共和国——中华民国。中央政府一如元、明、清三朝,实行对西藏地方的治 理。1912年中央政府设蒙藏事务局(1914年改称蒙藏院),主管西藏地方事务 ,并任命了中央驻藏办事长官。南京国民政府于1927年成立,1929年设立蒙藏 委员会,主管藏族、蒙古族等少数民族地区行政事宜。1940年,国民政府在拉 萨设立蒙藏委员会驻藏办事处,作为中央政府在西藏的常设机构。西藏地方政 府多次选派官员参加国民代表大会。中华民国期间,外患不已,内乱频仍,中央政府孱弱,而达赖喇嘛、班禅额尔德尼继续接受中央政府册封,获得在西藏地方的政治、宗教上的合法地位。现在的十四世达赖喇嘛拉木登珠的任职,就是经由国民政府主席颁令批准的。
  1949年,中华人民共和国成立。中央人民政府根据西藏的历史和现实情况,决定采取和平解放的方针。1951年5月23日,中央人民政府和西藏地方政府的代表就西藏和平解放的一系列问题达成协议,签订了《中央人民政府和西藏地方政府关于和平解放西藏办法的协议》(简称“十七条协议”)。“十七条协议”的主要内容是:一方面,中央政府要求西藏地方政府积极协助人民解放军进驻西藏,巩固国防,坚决驱逐帝国主义势力;西藏地区一切涉外事务由中央人民政府统一处理;藏军逐步改编为人民解放军。另一方面,中央人民政府对西藏现行制度及达赖喇嘛的固有地位及职权不予变更;尊重西藏人民的风俗习惯,宗教信仰自由得到保护,西藏的社会改革,采取与西藏领导人员协商解决,在西藏实行民族区域自治等。达赖喇嘛和班禅额尔德尼分别致电中央人民政府主席毛泽东,表示拥护“十七条协议”,决心维护祖国主权的统 一;西藏各阶层僧俗人士和各地藏族领袖也表示坚决支持。从此,西藏历史翻 开了新的一页。
  1954年,达赖喇嘛、班禅额尔德尼联袂赴北京参加中华人民共和国第一届全国人民代表大会。在这次会议上,达赖喇嘛当选为全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长,班禅额尔德尼当选为全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员。1956年,西藏自治区筹备委员会成立,达赖喇嘛就任西藏自治区筹备委员 会主任委员。1959年3月,西藏地方政府多数噶伦和上层反动集团全面发动了旨在分裂祖国、维护封建农奴制、反对民主改革的武装叛乱。中央人民政府命令驻西藏的人民解放军坚决平息了叛乱。中央人民政府国务院总理周恩来于同年3月28日发布命令,宣布解散西藏地方政府,由西藏自治区筹备委员会行使西藏地方政府职权。与此同时,中央人民政府顺应西藏人民的意愿,在西藏进行了民主改革,废除了封建农奴制度,百万农奴和奴隶翻身解放,不再被作为农奴主的个人财产加以买卖、转让、交换、抵债,不再被农奴主强迫劳动,从此获得了人身自由,成为新社会的主人。又经过几年的稳定发展,1965年9月正式成立了西藏自治区。